Holstein-Primakoff boson
Holstein-Primakoff bosons or the Holstein-Primakoff transformation are a method to describe spins .
The method comes from Henry Primakoff and Theodore Holstein .
The spin operators are replaced by bosonic creation and annihilation operators as follows :
As one can easily show, the operators defined in this way are sufficient for angular momentum algebra .
The Holstein- Primakoff representation is used, among other things, in the theory of spin waves , here one often considers the limiting case of a small number of bosons , in which the roots can be developed.
There are also other methods of mapping angular momentum operators to boson creation and annihilation operators ( Freeman Dyson , Julian Schwinger ).
- T. Holstein, H. Primakoff, Field Dependence of the Intrinsic Domain Magnetization of a Ferromagnet, Phys. Rev. 58, 1098-1113 (1940)