Household, Income and Labor Dynamics in Australia Survey

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The Household, Income and Labor Dynamics in Australia Survey ( HILDA for short ) is a representative, annual, repeat survey of over 17,000 people in Australia .

The panel study has been collecting information on many aspects of life in Australia since 2001, including household and family relationships, income and employment, as well as health and education. The participants should be interviewed for life. The project is supervised by the Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research , a department of the University of Melbourne .

The HILDA data are available in various data formats (PSPP / SPSS, SAS and Stata) for scientific research and can be requested via the website. The anonymity is guaranteed in that, for example, small-scale geographical information is not available.

Comparable long-term studies are the Socio-Economic Panel in Germany or the British Household Panel Survey in Great Britain.

Web links

  • HILDA - Website on the Melbourne Institute website