I can see what you can not see

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I see something that you don't see or I see something that you don't see is child's play , in which participants take turns trying to find objects in the environment, which can be identified by a sentence like “I see what, what you do not see and that is ... “. The object can be described more and more precisely by naming more and more properties until it is guessed by a fellow player. The guessing player is then usually allowed to choose an item to be guessed next. The game can also be viewed as a simple mindfulness exercise and then used, for example, in psychotherapy .

“I see what you don't see” is also a popular phrase and has been used as a title for various books and songs.


  1. Michael Metzner: Mindfulness and humor: the immune system of the mind . Schattauer, Stuttgart 2013, ISBN 978-3-7945-2936-0 , pp. 132 .