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Indefinite is the term used in grammar for an expression that is marked as indefinite or has an indefinite meaning. The term is often used in a narrower sense and then denotes indefinite pronouns or, even more narrowly, a subgroup of indefinite pronouns to the exclusion of question pronouns and quantifying pronouns.

In a broader sense, an indefinite term is also used to denote any compound expression that is indefinite as a whole, i.e. indefinite noun phrases such as B. One child, two children, or preschoolers.

Individual evidence

  1. Gisela Zifonun: Grammar of German in European comparison: “The pronoun.” Part IV: Indefinita in the broader sense. Institute for the German Language Mannheim, 2007 pdf.
  2. Duden. The grammar. 8th edition. Dudenverlag, Mannheim 2009, p. 254.
  3. receipt e.g. B .: Werner Frey: About Indefinita and its placement in the midfield.