Institute for Scientific Interchange

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The ISI Foundation, under private law , was founded in 1981 as an interdisciplinary European research center by the Province of Turin , the City of Turin and the CRT Bank Foundation of the Turin Bank Cassa di Risparmio di Torino. Its headquarters are in the modern Villa Gualino at the foot of the Turin mountains.

The main task of the institute is to promote interdisciplinary research. To this end, the institute is based on two pillars: first, basic research and pre-commercial technology research, and second, advanced training in the fields of mathematics, physics, computer science and life sciences. The ISI, together with the Santa Fe Institute, is one of the world's leading institutions in the development of the still young discipline of researching complex systems (see also Complexity Science).

The ISI Institute is divided into the four main departments Multi-Agent Systems and Complex Systems , Quantum Physics , Life Sciences and Epidemiology , and Statistical Physics, all of which reflect the focus on the range of methods used in Complexity Science. The scientific supervisory body determines the strategic direction of the ISI.

See also

Important institutes with a similar focus

Scientists at ISI

There are currently 64 researchers working in the four main departments (see above) of the ISI. In addition, there is the institute's technical and administrative service staff.


  • Importance of the ISI in European and international research on complex systems [1]

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