International Hegel Society

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The International Hegel Society e. V. , based in Berlin, is the oldest association that is dedicated to the Hegelian philosophy. It emerged as the "German Hegel Society" in 1953 from the Hegelianum in Nuremberg, which had existed since 1946 ; In 1958 it gave itself its current name. The aim of the society is to “cultivate the intellectual legacy of Hegel, to critically research and present Hegel's philosophy in its historical development and in its various relationships to previous and subsequent theories, to work out the current significance of Hegel and Hegelian thought, and in particular those with to scientifically examine and further develop the dialectical method closely linked to the name of Hegel in all its manifestations and in its application. ”(§ 1 of the statutes of February 17, 1983). Every two years it organizes an international Hegel congress and publishes the Hegel yearbook . Personalities of the International Hegel Society were and are u. a. Wilhelm Raimund Beyer (chairman until 1982, then honorary chairman), Heinz Kimmerle , Rudolf W. Meyer and Wolfgang Lefèvre (board members from 1982) and Andreas Arndt (board chairman from 1992 to 2016). At the 31st International Hegel Congress 2016, Myriam Gerhard was elected as the new chairman of the board, Andreas Arndt as honorary president and Jure Zovko and Brady Bowman to the board. According to its own information, the society has around 300 members worldwide.

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