Investment Stock Company (Lithuania)

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Investment Stock Corporation ( Lithuanian Investicinė akcinė bendrovė , IAB for short ) was a possible corporate form under the Law for Investment Stock Companies ( Investicinių bendrovių įstatymas ) during the privatization of state and public assets in Lithuania . The aim was to bundle the so-called investment checks, which were only issued to physical persons of legal age, in order to be able to privatize larger companies .

In 1995, amended and stricter requirements for the operation of investment stock corporations were issued. All investment stock corporations should meet the requirements of controlling investment stock corporations (lit.) by July 1, 1997 or be liquidated. Out of 220 investment stock corporations whose shares were listed by the Securities Commission ( Vertybinių popierių komisija ), only 22 companies were re-registered - now with the new abbreviation KIB. The KIB's assets essentially consist of shares and other securities , but they are also allowed to hold up to 25% of their assets in material possession / real estate .

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