Ipiq-Adad I.

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Ipiq-Adad I. was ensi (governor) of Ešnunna in the Isin-Larsa period and son of Ur-NinMAR.KI . Year names from his reign are primarily evidence of construction activities. In Tell ed-Der are also received letters on Diplomatic Relations Amorites give tribal leaders in the area of Eshnunna digestion. Unlike other ancient oriental rulers, Ipiq-Adad I never put the god determinative in front of his name.


  • Edzard, in RLA V, 151.
  • Frayne, Old Babylonian Period , Toronto 1990, 522-529.
  • Yuhong, A Political History of Eshnunna, Mari and Assyria during the early Old Babylonian Period , Changchung 1994, 25-28.
predecessor Office successor
Ur-Ningišzida King of Ešnunna in the
middle of the 20th century BC Chr.