Iranian Americans

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People of Iranian descent living in the USA are referred to as Irano-Americans or Persian-Americans . They belong to the most educated population groups there: every fourth person has a master's or doctoral degree.

There has been steady emigration from Iran to the USA since the 1980s. Most Iranians living abroad now live in the United States. Estimates vary between half a million and two million Iranian-Americans; most of them live in the greater LA area, also known as "Tehrangeles" or "Irangeles".

Web links

Commons : Iranian-Americans  - Collection of Pictures, Videos, and Audio Files

Individual evidence

  1. Often used synonymously. Some exiled Iranians prefer to refer to themselves as Persians in order to distance themselves from the current political regime in Iran; on the other hand there are also non-Persian Iranians.
  2. ^ Migration Information Source - Spotlight on the Iranian Foreign Born . Retrieved February 15, 2010.
  3. ^ Iranian-Americans Reported Among Most Highly Educated in US . November 24, 2006. Retrieved February 15, 2010.