Junia Lepida

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Iunia Lepida (* ~ 20; † probably 65) was a Roman noblewoman in the 1st century AD.

Iunia was the daughter of Aemilia Lepida and Marcus Iunius Silanus Torquatus , who married in AD 13. Through her mother, she was Augustus' great-granddaughter . She was married to the lawyer Gaius Cassius Longinus . After the death of her brother Marcus Iunius Silanus , who was murdered in 54 at the instigation of Agrippina the Younger , she raised his son Lucius Iunius Silanus Torquatus . Her other siblings were also murdered in the following years.

After the Pisonian Conspiracy 65, her husband was exiled by Nero . Her nephew Lucius Junius Silanus Torquatus was also charged. In order to give weight to the indictment against them, Iunia Lepida was accused of engaging in incest with her brother's son and of worshiping atrocious rites with him. Nothing is known about their further fate. As a confidante u. a. Lucius Calpurnius Fabatus indicted.


Individual evidence

  1. Tacitus, Annals 13.1.
  2. Tacitus , Annalen 15,52,2.
  3. Tacitus : Annales 16, 8, 3
  4. Andreas Klingenberg: Social decline in the Roman Empire: Risks of the upper class in the time from Augustus to the end of the Severians . 2012, p. 221