Janet Biehl

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Janet Biehl

Janet Biehl (* 1953 ) is an American anarchist theorist of eco-anarchism and social eco- feminism who is committed to libertarian communalism . The collaboration with Murray Bookchin began when he visited the Institute for Social Ecology in 1986 .


From 1987 to 2000 Janet Biehl and Murray Bookchin published Green Perspectives , a newspaper for the socio-ecological movement, which was later renamed Left Green Perspectives .

Biehl wrote books and articles dealing with the ideas of libertarian communalism , social ecology and ecofeminism . Her book The Politics of Social Ecology summarized Bookchin's ideas of face-to-face democracy.

In 2001, she withdrew from current politics to take more care of the aged Murray Bookchin, who died in 2006.

In 2011, Janet Biehl declared that since the late 1990s she had returned to her “pre-1987 political identity”, which the left described as social democratic.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Janet Biehl: Biehl breaks with social ecology . Institute for Social Ecology. Retrieved July 25, 2012.