Kōiki Rengō
Kōiki Rengō ( Japanese 広 域 連 合 , often translated as "Zweckverband", literally "regional association" or "Großraumverband") are special-purpose associations in Japan , ie regional associations of local authorities ( prefectures and / or municipalities ) for the joint implementation of public tasks. They are “special regional authorities” ( tokubetsu chihō kōkyō dantai ) in the sense of Chihō-jichi-hō , the “law on local self-government”. They are set up after a resolution by the local or prefecture parliaments involved and approval by the governor of the respective prefecture or the Sōmu-daijin (“Minister for General Affairs”, Minister of the Interior), if prefectures or municipalities from several prefectures are involved.
In 2011 there were 115 Kōiki Rengō. Examples are associations for social benefits, including prefecture-wide associations of all municipalities to organize long-term care insurance since 2008, regional administrative cooperations for several administrative tasks , including an association of several prefectures with the Kansai Kōiki Rengō since 2010.
Another form of special purpose associations in Japan are the ichibu jimu kumiai ( 一部 事務 組合 ), which are also considered to be “special regional authorities”. Differences between the two forms are, among other things, that Kōiki Rengō can also assign tasks directly from the central state or prefectures and, unlike ichibu jimu kumiai, they are subject to the regulations for chokusetsu seikyū , the direct inputs of the citizens, which the "Law on local Self-government ”for prefectures and municipalities.
Web links
- Sōmushō : Kōiki Rengō (Japanese), list of Kōiki Rengō as of April 1, 2011 (PDF; 600 kB)
Individual evidence
- ↑ Aomori prefecture administration: 広 域 連 合 と 一部 事務 組合 の 違 い ("Differences between kōiki rengō and ichibu jimu kumiai ")
- ↑ Hokkaidō Prefectural Administration : 一部 事務 組合 、 協議 会 と 広 域 連 合 と の 主 な 相違 点 ("Main differences between ichibu jimu kumiai , kyōgikai [a looser form of cooperation, no regional authorities] and kōiki rengō "); PDF; 41 kōiki rengō ");