Ka Kwe Ye

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The Ka Kwe Ye was a militia in Burma .


Since the Ne Win regime was unable to protect the country's borders due to a lack of financial resources and a lack of military structures, the establishment of a militia began in 1963. The Ka Kwe Ye was financed through the opium trade . In addition, the organization had an agreement with the Burmese government that they could use the national infrastructure for the opium trade if in return they fought the communists.

In 1973 the government declared the more than 50 Ka Kwe Ye groups illegal.


A member of the Ka Kwe Ye who would later become one of the greatest drug barons in history was Khun Sa.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Ka Kwe Ye . In: Donald M. Seekins: Historical Dictionary of Burma (Myanmar) . (= Historical Dictionaries of Asia, Oceania and the Middle East, Volume 59), Scarecrow Press, Lanham / Toronto / Oxford 2006, p. 234 ( digitized version )