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Kaibun ( Japanese回文, rotating sentence ) are the Japanese equivalent of sentence palindrome . It is a sentence that reads the same forwards and backwards - but based on the Japanese syllables , not the letters in Western romanization .


  • Shinbunshi (し ん ぶ ん し : 新聞紙): "Newsprint"
  • Takeyabu yaketa (た け や ぶ や け た : 竹 薮 焼 け た): "The bamboo grove was on fire."
  • Wa-ta-shi ma-ke-ma-shi-ta-wa (私 負 け ま し た わ): "I have lost."
  • Co-na-n he-n na ko (コ ナ ン 変 な 子): "Conan, a strange boy" (name of an episode from the Japanese anime Detective Conan ).
  • Na-ru-to wo to-ru-na (な る と を 取 る な): "Don't take my Naruto (Also a Japanese Manga)."
  • Shi-na-mo-n pa-n mo re-mo-n pa-n mo na-shi (シ ナ モ ン パ ン も レ モ ン パ ン も 無 し) - "There is neither cinnamon bread nor lemon bread."
  • Yo-no-na-ka, ho-ka-ho-ka na-no-yo (世 の 中 、 ホ カ ホ カ な の よ): "The world is a warm place."

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