Roast veal kidney

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The veal kidney roast or kidney roast (Latin: lumbus vitulinus ; French: longe de veau ) is the name given to the rear part of the halved veal back (where the kidneys are located).

The lemma nierbratē (also: kelberiner nierbraten) emerged in 1568 when lexicographers Johannes Frisius , and in the spelling calves Nierbraten in the cookbook of mouth chef Marx Rumpolt .

Types of preparation

Roast kidney can be prepared in two ways: with the bone or released from the bones, the kidneys are usually included. If the bones are released, a rolled kidney roast or veal kidney roast can be made from the meat. The French master chef August Escoffier wrote about the preparation of longe de veau :

“The veal kidney piece runs from the tip of the hip to the first ribs and is the piece that we call aloyau or roast beef in the ox. It is fried or braised depending on the case. For the latter preparation you almost always boning it by leaving the cloth a little long. When rolling, one includes the kidneys that have been detached from part of their fat but not completely covered in the middle. If the kidney piece is not boned, the kidney should remain attached while the spinal bones are to be parried. "

- August Escoffier : A. Escoffier's culinary art guide, p. 469

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Johannes Frisius: Dictionarium latino-germanicum . 1568, p. 785 ( [accessed on May 19, 2019]).
  2. ^ Dictionary network - German dictionary by Jacob Grimm and Wilhelm Grimm. Retrieved May 19, 2019 .
  3. A new cookbook, This is a thorough description of how to be right and wolf, not only of quadruped, heymic and wild animals, but also of many birds and game birds, ... Published by M. Marx Rumpolts, Churf. Meintz. Mundtkochs, vnd Sigmundt Feyerabendts, 1581 ( [accessed on May 19, 2019]).
  4. ^ Franz Maier-Bruck: The great Sacher cookbook . Wiener Verlag, Vienna 1975, p. 258-259, 261-262 .
  5. Richard Hering: Herings Lexicon of the Kitchen. Internationally recognized reference work for modern and classic cuisine . Ed .: F. Jürgen Herrmann.