Camera shoe

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The Mainz foot length measure was called the camera shoe . The measure was the factory shoe or the Wiesbaden foot with 12 inches .

The camera shoe was also used for staking , the Mainz firewood measure, to determine the size. The stick was 4 ⅓ camera shoe wide and high and the length of the logs could be 3, 3 ½ and 4 shoe lengths.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Georg Kaspar Chelius, Johann Friedrich Hauschild, Heinrich Christian Schumacher: Measure and weight book. Jäger'schen book, paper and map dealer, Frankfurt am Main 1830, pp. 234, 346
  2. ^ Friedrich Wilhelm Schneider: Pocket book of measure and weight. Friedrich August Herbig, Berlin 1839, p. 105