Nuclear hyperchromasia

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The Kernhyperchromasie is a feature for assessing a possible Gewebsatypie in which the nuclear chromatin due to a higher DNA stake coarsened in the cells and increased dyeable is. Nuclear hyperchromasias can not only be triggered by malignant tumors (cancer), but under certain circumstances also by inflammation.

The opposite of nuclear hyperchromasia is nuclear hypochromasia.


Rolf Bäumer, Andrea Maiwald: THIEMEs oncological care. Georg Thieme Verlag, 2008, p. 92. ISBN 978-3-131-51191-1

Individual evidence

  1. Hans Friedrich Nauth: Gynecological Cytodiagnosis. Textbook and atlas. Georg Thieme Verlag, 2013, pp. 187f. ISBN 978-3-131-57872-3