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legal form non-profit registered association
founding 2007
founder Anneli-Sofia Räcker
Seat Bremen
motto “Sharity” (A.-S. Räcker) instead of charity
main emphasis Development and promotion of elementary school projects; Livelihood boost for student parents through micro-financing; Health promotion.
method Initiation and partnership support exclusively from state-owned NGOs, which serve the school education of the children.
Action space Nepal, Sierra Leone, Burundi
people Anneli-Sofia Räcker (initiator and chairwoman); Rajesh Regmi (SPOWC project manager), Khem Adhikari (CDSN project manager); Usman Conteh, Yembeh Mansaray (Project Leader Sierra Leone); Augustin Nibitegeka (Project Manager Burundi)

KETAAKETI eV is a society for the purpose of "development cooperation to promote primary school education for children in the poorest countries in the world"; so far in Nepal , Sierra Leone and Burundi ; "The aim is to expand to other countries". In 2008 UNESCO awarded KETAAKETI the "Decade Project - Education for Sustainable Development" sustainability award for its innovative concept of development work based on partnership . In 2019, the founder of KETAAKETI, Anneli-Sofia Räcker, was awarded the Federal Cross of Merit on ribbon for the development and successful implementation of this new model of development cooperation

Foundation and development

KETAAKETI (in Nepalese means the word "children") was founded in 2007 by Anneli-Sofia Räcker in Bremen after she had toured Nepal in 2006. In Nepal, KETAAKETI works according to the principle of division of labor and networking in a cooperation on equal terms with the "Society for the protection of women and children" (SPOWC / Rajesh Regmi) and the "Children Development Society Nepal" (CDSN / Khem Adhikari). In 2017, the first school and microfinance projects for the poorest school children and their parents started in Tassoh Island / - and Gbinti / Sierra Leone and in 2019 in eastern Sierra Leone. Cooperation partners in Sierra Leone are Usmann Conteh with the “Society for the Empowering of the Needy” (SEN) and Yembeh Mansaray with the NGO “Mindokatie Salone”. In Burundi, Augustin Nibitegeka is the project manager of the partner organization "Iterambere Iwacu", which was initiated in 2019 and is active in the Vugizo district, Makamba province .

UNESCO award 2008 for KETAAKET eV


On the basis of the "world family" (A.-S. Räcker) conceptual model, Ketaaketi works in a systemic approach according to the following principles

  • “Sharity” (A.-S. Räcker) instead of charity - sharing is a matter of course
  • Appreciating the poorest - your resources and skills
  • State-owned initiative as a prerequisite for funding - self-determination instead of outside determination
  • Reliable partnership - working hand in hand at eye level; To be there for one another in everyday life and in times of crisis
  • No watering can principle - cooperative detailed agreements on money stakes
  • Small contributions - big impact - € 1 per child and month supports school attendance, € 30 a whole family; 100 € livelihood boost per family for self-determined development
  • 100% of the donations go to the projects
  • Sustainability - through the pillars of promoting pupils, securing family income, and the health of school children

With the project extension Sierra Leone and Burundi, the transferability of these principles to other religions and cultures is evaluated.


  • Expansion of a network for primary school education for the poorest children in Nepal and worldwide
  • Securing school attendance in connection with a livelihood boost through microfinance for the pupil parents and health strengthening of the school children
  • Prevention against continued impoverishment, violence and child exploitation
  • Chances for a self-designed future of one's own life, culture and development in the project countries.


KETAAKETI initiates the formation of state-owned, completely independent NGOs by socially active, committed and reliable nationals and forms a partnership with them. "On the basis of the guiding principles of self-determination, independence, dignity and sustainability, KETAAKETI then supports the livelihood of families and school attendance for children. The work in the projects is self-determined and autonomously in the hands of the respective country". In the “one euro model”, the basic needs (books, notebooks, part of the teacher's salary) of the poorest children in slum schools, state primary schools and social classes initiated by Ketaaketi (school familiarization classes for children from illiterate families ) as well as their health support are financed. Parental participation is necessary in the interests of sustainability. In the "microfinance" program , women from the schoolchildren's families receive 100 euros as start-up funding to set up their own economic existence and to organize in a cooperative . After a successful start-up, this money is passed on to other women, so that ultimately a constantly expanding social network is created and these women are able to take over part of the school fees. By 2019, around 15,000 school children in the three countries had received funding in over 60 projects and over 1500 families were supported with microfinance. The project is financed through member and individual donations, which flow into the projects with a 100% guarantee.

Project trips, internship stays, constant exchange between the management of KETAAKETI (Germany), SPOWC, CDS (Nepal) and the project managers Sierra Leone and Burundi, as well as continuous information about all development steps in the project countries through lectures, newsletters and websites ensure transparency for all donors about the use and effect of the donations.


2017 Vice President of Nepal - "Letter of Appreciation"

2017 Minister of the Interior of Nepal - "Certificate of Appreciation"

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d KETAAKETI eV
  2. ^ NGO forum Nepal
  3. An award for our work. In: Nordwest-Zeitung. May 16, 2008.
  4. Federal Cross of Merit for Anneli-Sofia Räcker In: NWZonline December 24, 2019
  5. Strong together. In: Süddeutsche Zeitung. May 6, 2015.
  6. ^ SPOWC Society for the Protection of Women and Children
  7. School partnerships with Nepal or Sierra Leone. In: Friesland Messenger. July 13, 2017.
  8. Finally education for Gbinti.
  9. Ketaaketi: All children need education In: Kinderzeit Bremen November 5, 2019
  10. Help at eye level. In: Weserkurier. 20th November 2016.
  11. Anke Juckenhöfel: 10 years of help the Nepalese way. In: Bremissima. No. 6, 2016, pp. 54–59.
  12. ^ Residual Cent Project of the General Staff Council for the State and City of Bremen.
  13. Nepal honors helpers from Varel.