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Kololo is an ethnic group of the Sotho who fled to the north at the beginning of the 19th century because of the wars of the Zulu king Shaka - as part of the Mfecane - and settled north of the Victoria Falls in western Central Africa .

Defeated by the Tswana , the Sotho chief Sebetswane led his tribe across the Zambezi to what is now northwestern Zambia around 1840 , where he conquered the kingdom of the Barotse (Lozi), which was established there in the 18th century and from then on had dominated western Zambia. From 1864 many Kololo fell victim to a malaria epidemic. In addition, a weak and sickly king ascended the throne, which favored the Lozi and put an end to the hegemony of the Kololo. Nevertheless, Lozi , a Sotho language, is still a common language in this region today .