Research with Neutrons Committee

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The permanent committee for research with neutrons (KFN) represents all scientists in the Federal Republic of Germany who work with neutrons or who are close to research using neutrons. It consists of elected and co-opted members and guests.

tasks and goals

The aim of the KFN is to promote research with neutrons. Research with neutrons plays an important role in the investigation of condensed matter in solid state physics, chemistry and biology, geo and material sciences as well as nuclear physics. Neutrons are also a research object in themselves. Because of the high financial outlay, only a few neutron sources are available at national and international level. Research with neutrons therefore requires supra-regional assessment and coordination, which is carried out by the KFN.

An important task of the committee is the regular dialogue between the users of neutrons, the operators of neutron sources and the representatives of the responsible department of the BMBF and the project executing agency . The KFN is also an important point of contact for national and international organizations with regard to all questions related to research with neutrons.

Contact with other research areas that are dependent on the use of large equipment takes place in joint discussion groups and conferences. This involves research with synchrotron radiation and research with nuclear probes and ion beams, the users of which are represented by appropriate committees ( Committee Research with Synchrotron Radiation (KFS), Committee for Research with Nuclear Probes and Ion Beams (KFSI)). The KFN is represented together with the KFS and KFSI in the commission for research into condensed matter with large devices .


The committee is composed as follows: Seven scientists are chosen from among the users. Research institutions that operate a neutron source each send a scientist who takes part in the deliberations as a permanent guest. The committee co-opts additional members to cover important fields, usually four. One representative each from the BMBF and the project executing agency take part as guests.

Research awards

As part of the German Neutron Scattering Conference, the KFN awards the Wolfram Prandl Prize for young scientists in the field of research with neutrons.

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