Comment (UML)

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A comment or note (Engl. Comment or "note") is a model element in the Unified Modeling Language (UML), a modeling language for software and other systems.

A comment is an annotation that a modeler can insert into a UML-based model. The comment can be unrelated to any specific other element in the model, or it can refer to one or more other elements. The annotation consists of a text with no predetermined semantic meaning.


A class diagram with two comments

A comment is shown as a rectangle, the upper right corner of which is bent, the relationship to one or more elements in the UML diagram is shown by a dashed line to these.

The figure on the left shows a class diagram with two comments.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b DHBW-Stuttgart: Unified Modeling Language note. Retrieved September 18, 2018 .
  2. TU-Dortmunt: Unified Modeling Language. Retrieved September 18, 2018 .