Coordinating Committee for the Restoration of the Fourth International

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The Coordinating Committee for the Re-establishment of the Fourth International (KWVI) is a Trotskyist international organization. It was founded in 2004 at a conference in Buenos Aires by the Movement for the Restoration of the Fourth International . It has members in South America, Western Europe, and the Middle East.


  • Flag of Argentina.svgLabor Party ( Partido Obrero ) in Argentina .
  • Flag of Chile.svgRevolutionary Labor Party ( Partido Obrero Revolucionario ) in Chile .
  • Flag of Greece.svgRevolutionary Party of Workers ( Ergatiko Epanastatiko Komma ) in Greece .
  • Flag of Italy.svgCommunist Party of Workers ( Partito Comunista dei Lavoratori ) in Italy .
  • Flag of Mexico.svgRevolutionary Action Group ( Grupo de Acción Revolucionaria ) in Mexico .
  • Flag of Uruguay.svgWorkers' Party ( Partido de los Trabajadores ) in Uruguay .
  • Flag of Turkey.svgRevolutionary Labor Party ( Devrimci İşçi Partisi ) in Turkey .
  • Flag of Finland.svgMarxist Workers League ( Marxilainen Työvänenliitto ) in Finland .
  • Flag of Venezuela.svgWorkers Option ( Opción Obrera ) in Venezuela .