Crisis (medicine)

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Crisis (also Crisis , from ancient Greek κρίσις krísis ) describes a sudden, critical change in the state of health, which can occur without previous illnesses or as an acute flare-up of a chronic illness, for example as a seizure or attack or as a shock . The term has been used since the beginning of scientific medicine and is already defined in the Corpus Hippocraticum : "The crisis in diseases is when the diseases intensify, subside, turn into another disease or stop".

In particular, a rapid drop in fever , i.e. within a few hours, is referred to as a crisis. It is often accompanied by sweats and puts a lot of strain on the circulation . The fever crisis, also called critical defever, is associated with the risk of collapse and is an emergency that can even lead to circulatory failure.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Corpus Hippocraticum, De affectionibus 8
  2. ^ Nicole Menche (ed.): Care Today . Elsevier, Urban & Fischer. Munich. 2011. pp. 339f.