Kum Nye

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Kum Nye (pronounced Kum Nje) is from Tibet originating meditation - and relaxation techniques . The practice system known as Tibetan healing yoga serves to relax, stimulate the psycho-physical energies and to release blockages in the energy system. It has its roots on the one hand in the Tibetan system of Nying-thig tsa-lung (yoga of subtle energies), on the other hand in traditional Tibetan medicine . Kum Nye is not to be confused with the practice of the Five Tibetans .


Kum Nye was introduced to the west by the Tibetan Lama Tarthang Tulku Rinpoche, who has lived in the USA since 1969 . Kum Nye consists of quiet sitting ( meditation ) with concentration on the naturally flowing breath, very slow and conscious movements, self-massage with pressure points and the recitation of mantras are intended to stimulate energies of body and mind and gently release blockages. All exercises are technically very simple and do not require any special skills or prior knowledge.

Scientific research

The healing effect of Kum Nye was examined by Peter Machemer, Department of Psychology at the University of Osnabrück , and his colleagues. Several scientific research reports prove the effectiveness of Kum Nye for psychosomatic illnesses and for stress prevention and stress management. Research work with Klaus Engel (Psychosomatics), University of Bochum, is in preparation.

The meditative stress management program (MSP) developed at the University of Osnabrück is largely based on Kum Nye.


  • Tarthang Tulku , Tibetan relaxation - Kum Nye massage and exercise . 2008. ISBN 3-928758-19-5 [1]
  • Matthias Steurich, Guard Silence. Kum Nye - Tibetan healing yoga. Two exercise CD with six Kum-Nye exercises for self-study under the guidance of Matthias Steurich. Including an illustrated instruction book of 44 pages. Lapis Lazuli Edition: Bettwil / Switzerland, 2000.
  • Matthias Steurich, Tibetan healing yoga - Kum Nye. The exercise book for gentle self-healing. Herder Verlag, Herder Spectrum series. Released May 1999 -
  • Gerti Samel, Tibetan Medicine. Diagnostic methods and therapies at a glance . Mosaik Verlag, 1998. pp. 103-110
  • Matthias Steurich, "Kum Nye". In: Schneider-Wohlfart / Wack (ed.): Be relaxed, have energy - Eighteen methods of body experience (p. 38–47), CH Beck Verlag, Munich 1994 (Beck'sche Reihe, 1029)
  • Matthias Steurich, Kum Nye - Self-healing through relaxation . In: Klaus Moegling (ed.): Gentle massages (pp. 201-218), Goldmann Verlag, 1988 (Goldmann Ratgeber, 10412).
  • Tarthang Tulku , self-healing through relaxation . Scherz Verlag, 1980. ISBN 3-502-67602-X [2]


  • Steurich, Matthias, "Kum Nye - Tibetan healing yoga". In: Ralf Dornieden (ed.), Paths to body awareness. Body and relaxation therapies (pp. 175–190). Plum Physiotherapy series. Pflaum Verlag, Munich, 2002. ISBN 3-7905-0857-8 .
  • Störmer-Labonté, M., A Meditative Stress Management Program - Evaluation and Indication in Psychosomatic Patients . Research reports No. 100a and 100b, Department of Psychology, University of Osnabrück , 1994.
  • Machemer, P., "Kum Nye and Religious Experience". In: Dittrich, Hofmann, Leuner (eds.): Worlds of Consciousness ; Vol. 2: Cultural anthropological and philosophical contributions ; Pp. 105-118. VWB Verlag for Science and Education, 1993
  • Störmer-Labonté, M., Machemer, P., Hardinghaus, W., "A meditative stress management program in psychosomatic patients". In: Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik, Medical Psychologie , Issue 12, December 1992, pp. 409–448
  • Störmer-Labonté, M., Stress and Stress Management in a Meditative Perspective: The Implicit Stress Theory of Nyingma Psychology on the Background of the Transactional Stress Theory of Lazarus . Research report No. 77, Department of Psychology at the University of Osnabrück, 1991
  • Machemer, P., Psychotherapy and Meditation - On the Connection of Gestalt Therapy and Kum Nye. In: Integrative Therapy, 3/1991, pp. 228-253
  • Machemer, P., Störmer-Labonté, M., reflections, experiences and studies on Kum Nye relaxation. University of Osnabrück, 1989
  • Störmer-Labonté, M., Machemer, P., pilot study on relaxation in heart attack rehabilitation. Research report No. 65, Department of Psychology at the University of Osnabrück, 1988