customers recruit customers

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Recruiting customers is a marketing concept in which existing customer relationships are used to acquire new customers . Typically, the existing and / or the new customer receives a bonus for their referral.


Customer-refer-customer programs can be found in many industries. Typically, they are mainly used there

  • where the willingness of the customer to change providers is low (e.g. banking, electricity supplier)
  • where long-term contracts ( insurance , telephone contracts, newspaper subscriptions) are sold
  • where the number of customers is important due to network effects (e.g. in e-business )


The bonus can be a sum of money, a (universal) voucher or a bonus in kind ( coffee machine etc.) (see also: Incentive ). The advertiser usually only receives the selected premium after the buyer's first delivery has been paid for or the withdrawal period for the conclusion of the contract has expired.

For legal reasons, the advertiser and new customer must not be identical. If there are no advertisers in the circle of relatives or friends, they can now be found via online portals.

Reward subscription

A premium subscription is a subscription to a magazine or newspaper for which the new customer's recruiter receives a gift. The premium subscriptions can be found with different providers under the designations "readers advertise readers", "mediate + premium", "friendship subscription" etc. The premiums that are available for the mediation are usually higher than z. B. the gifts for other types of subscription.

The minimum term for a premium subscription can be significantly longer than for subscriptions without premiums and can be up to two years.

In some cases it is also possible that the advertiser himself is not a subscription to the magazine or a customer of the subscription provider.