Kutay (deity)

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Kutay , also Kudai , is a (protective) deity of the forge known from ancient Turkish mythology and Yakut culture .


A "primordial blacksmith", known as Kudai Bakshi (also K'daai Maqsin) in Yakut mythology, lives in a house made of iron surrounded by flames. He also has the ability to heal, insofar as shamanic abilities and functions are ascribed to him.

Traces of the idea of ​​the sanctity of iron persist in Anatolian folklore: "Iron evokes fear and awe, it has healing powers against the harmful magic of supernatural beings".

Kutay is also a common first name in the Turkish language.

Individual evidence

  1. cf. Jean Paul Roux: The Old Turkish Mythology . In: Hans Wilhelm Haussig (Ed.): Gods and Myths in Central Asia and Northern Eurasia. (= Dictionary of Mythology) Section 1: The ancient civilized peoples . 7 (first part). Klett-Cotta, Stuttgart 1999, p. 247 .
  2. ^ Charles Russel Coulter et al .: Encyclopedia of Ancient Deities . Routledge, London 2000.
  3. Stutley, Margaret: Shamanism - An Introduction. Routledge (London) 2003; 26 pp.
  4. Pertev N. Boratav: The Turkish Mythology - The Mythology of the Ogus and the Turks of Anatolia, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan . In: Hans Wilhelm Haussig (Ed.): Gods and Myths in Central Asia and Northern Eurasia. (= Dictionary of Mythology) Section 1: The ancient civilized peoples. 7 (first part). Klett-Cotta, Stuttgart 1999, p. 316 .