L practice run

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L practice run

L practice drive is an opportunity for learner drivers in Austria to gain driving experience outside of the driving school as part of their driving license training for class B. The prerequisite is at least one companion who sits next to the practitioner during the practice drives, prevents accidents, is not allowed to bring the practitioner into situations that he is unable to cope with and ensures that the practitioner strictly observes the traffic regulations. The practice drives are regulated in §122 of the Austrian Motor Vehicle Act.

Permit and requirements

First, the driver's license applicant has to complete a so-called entry phase. According to Section 6 of the Driving License Act (FSG), this can begin at the earliest six months before the age of 18 with simultaneous training in a driving school. Before a permit for practice drives is granted, a driving school must complete at least seven theory lessons, at least six practical units and a theoretical briefing from the driving school, which the applicant and companion (s) must attend together. The applicant must provide this proof when applying for authorization to carry out practice drives from the relevant authority. After the introductory phase, the permit can be applied for from the authority in whose area the driving school is located (in other words: residence in Lower Austria but driving school in Vienna, then Vienna Transport Office).

Conditions during the practice drives

While the practice drives are being carried out, a board with the letter "L" in fully visible, legible and indelible white letters on a blue background and with the text "Practice drive" must be attached to the training vehicle both at the front and at the rear (Section 122 (7) KFG ). The accompanying person must take care of these measures.

Furthermore, the driver must have his own driving license and the permit with him on every practice drive. The practitioner himself must have an official photo ID with him. All documents must be presented to the public security service and road inspector upon request.

The level of alcoholism of the companion must not be more than 0.1 ‰ in the blood or not more than 0.05 mg / l in the breath during the exercise drives. In addition, this must comply with any requirements or conditions as well as pursuant to Section 114 Paragraph 4 Z 1 to 5 lit. a observe the following points: He must be in a suitable physical and mental condition, he must ensure that the practitioner complies with the regulations, he must not put the applicant in situations that overwhelm him, he has by his intervention - if required - to prevent accidents and he must sit next to the applicant during all practice drives.

Applicants and their companions (maximum of two) are named in the approval. It is valid for a maximum of 18 months and can only be applied for or issued once per applicant. The license plate number of the vehicle is not given, so practice drives can be carried out on different vehicles of the desired vehicle class with one permit. The training vehicle must be provided with an outside mirror on the left and an inside mirror.

Requirements for companions

  • Two companions can be named
  • At least seven years of uninterrupted possession of a class B driving license
  • Proof of at least three years of driving experience, which must be immediately before the application is submitted (substantiation by means of confirmation from witnesses or by vehicles of the class in question registered in your own name)
  • In the three years immediately prior to submitting the application, no punishment for a serious violation of motor vehicle or road police regulations
  • Must not have received a permit for practice drives in the year immediately preceding the permit
  • Special close relationship with the applicant and free practice drives (to prevent unreported commercial activity from being carried out).

Requirements for the training vehicle

  • Must be class B.
  • If it is to be used in the practical driving test: must have a design speed of at least 100 km / h
  • If it is to be used for the practical driving test: a door in the row of seats in which the driving examiner takes a seat
  • Automatic gearboxes and vehicles without a foot-operated clutch are permitted.
  • If a vehicle is used for the practical driving test without a foot-operated clutch, then the driving authorization is restricted to such vehicles.
  • The presence of a handbrake and an ignition device that the accompanying person can reach, which was previously required and must be documented by a certificate , is no longer necessary. This means that vehicles with a handbrake on the driver's door side or an electric parking brake or without an ignition key can now also be used.

Duration of the practice drives

After the approval has been granted, practice drives with a scope of at least 1,000 km must be carried out with the guide. A standardized trip log is to be kept. The obligation to complete at least 1,000 km and to keep a logbook does not apply if the full driving school training is also completed.

Observation trip

After at least 1,000 km of practice drives with the companion, an observation drive must be carried out in the driving school together with the companion (duration: one lesson).

Perfection training

Before the driving test, the perfection training must then be carried out in the driving school, which includes four driving lessons and a test preparation. One lesson must be completed at dusk or in the dark and one lesson on the motorway.

L practice drive in Switzerland

In Switzerland it is also possible to drive outside of the driving school with an accompanying person. They must be at least 23 years old and have had their driving license for three years. During practice drives with trailer combinations, no accompanying person is required for learner drivers with a valid driver's license for the towing vehicle .

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Section 122 of the Motor Vehicle Act
  2. § 6 Driving License Act
  3. Download: standardized trip log in accordance with Section 19 (8) FSG (PDF; 26 kB)
  4. learning runs on stva.zh.ch, accessed on January 11, 2018

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