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According to the Federal Nature Conservation Act, the regular abode of wild individuals of a species is referred to as a habitat .

Example of a habitat: a black woodpecker's cave

For example, the cave of a black woodpecker in a beech is its habitat. The Federal Nature Conservation Act places living spaces under special protection. It is forbidden to impair or destroy the habitats of wild animals and plants without good cause.

Contrary to the legal definition, the term habitat is regularly equated with habitat in ecology .

Individual evidence

  1. § 7 Paragraph 2 No. 5 BNatSchG
  2. § 39 Paragraph 1 No. 3 BNatSchG
  3. Martin Gellermann, Matthias Schreiber: Protection of wild animals and plants in state planning and approval procedures . Springer, 2007, ISBN 978-3-540-69096-2 , pp. 41 ( digitized version ).