Headline index

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A guiding principle card index , abbreviated to LSK , is a collection of guiding principles that is offered for commercial use by a private provider, for example a specialist legal publisher.

In the past, this was mostly done in the form of index cards that were attached to legal journals, and since the late 1980s it has mostly been implemented in electronic form. The card index is usually sold on CD-ROM or online. In the guiding principle card index, the judicial guiding principles are often recorded with references to relevant laws , sources for full-text publication and file numbers.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Markus Junker: Review: LSK - Leitsatzkartei des Deutschen Rechts on CD-ROM for Windows, Edition 3/98 JurPC Web-Doc. 119/1998, paras. 1-18.
  2. Ralf Hansen: LSK-Stud.-Leitsatzkartei des German law on CD-ROM, CH Beck, 2002, special edition for students and trainees and JuS-Basis-CD-ROM, Munich: CH Beck, 2002 for students and trainees, discussion 2002.
  3. ^ T. Hofer, U. Tetzner: Comparison of the databases. Comparison and summary of the Law School, University of Munich, 2012.