Tail volume coefficient

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The Leitwerksvolumenbeiwert c CPR for the horizontal stabilizer (CPR) is defined as the ratio of tail volume S CPR · r CPR to the product of reference chord length l μ and wing surface S . The reference wing depth is the depth of a rectangular wing, which aerodynamically corresponds to the wing under consideration. r CPR is the distance between the horizontal stabilizer's neutral point and the aircraft's center of gravity.

The values ​​used in aircraft construction are typically between 0.5 and 1. Small values ​​have a negative effect on longitudinal stability and trimmability . Large values ​​are detrimental to overall efficiency, as the horizontal stabilizer only generates downforce when cruising . The Leitwerksvolumenbeiwert c SLW for the rudder SLW is defined as


Therein is the wingspan of the wing. Typical values ​​are between 0.04 and 0.08.


Dubbel , paperback for mechanical engineering . Springer-Verlag, 2007, p. Q92 .