Leo minorids

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Meteor shower
Leo Minorids
Beginning October 19th
maximum October 24th
The End October 27
Radian position
RA 10480010 h 48 m
DE + 37 °
Population index 3.0
62 km / s

The Leo Minorids are a meteor shower that has a very low activity with a ZHR of only 2 meteors per hour. Its radiant is in the eastern area of ​​the constellation Little Leo , about 3 degrees east of the star β Leonis Minoris. The original body of the current is comet C / 1739 K1 (Zanotti) .

Individual evidence

  1. IMO Meteor Shower Calendar 2020 , accessed April 16, 2020
  2. AVWM - Astronomical Association West Munich (PDF; 1.5 MB)