Linz Strünzer

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Linz Castle Square

The Linzer Strünzer is a local name - and it is said, also a type of person - of the Rhineland , to which a monument at the so-called Strünzerbrunnen in the city of Linz am Rhein is dedicated.

As a type, he is a warm, almost affectionate contemporary who tends to exaggerate in " chatting " and partying. The name comes from the dialect word “strunzen” (Rhenish for “to cut open”).

The most historically well-known Strünzer and local hero is the innkeeper Jupp (Josef) from the Swedish War, whom the city fathers asked for a way out at the beginning of the siege. After a moment's thought, Jupp said that some groups of courageous men should try to put the Swedes in fear of an unexpected superiority of the defenders by means of night fires and making noise with iron pots around their camp. Instead of besieging the neat little town, they are said to have fled in a panic and never come back.

In addition to the Linzer Strünzerbrunnen on Linz Burgplatz , the following is also named after the shape:

  • the Strünzerkeller (in Haus Bucheneck),
  • the Strünzer-Geist, a high percentage herbal schnapps
  • the Strünzer advertising (urban development company).
  • the Strünzerwurst (a locally offered, extra large currywurst)
  • the Stünzer-Scheck (a voucher for the participating shops of the Linz advertising association)