List of fountains in Arnstadt

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The list of wells in Arnstadt includes the existing and former wells in the city of Arnstadt . The city's water supply was provided from 1559 to 1900 by water from the Zahmer Weisse, which was led by the fountain art near the Liebfrauenkirche in wooden pipes to the individual fountains.

List of Arnstadt fountains

image Surname location Construction year comment
Existing wells
At the Brunnenkunst 3 Arnstadt 2012.jpg Fountain art At the Brunnenkunst 3
1540 with water scoop wheel (1540) to lift the water from the Zahmer Weisse into the elevated tank in the house
ARN-Pfarrhof-Brunnen-.jpg Fountain at the upper church Kirchgasse, rectory
ARN-Riedbrunnen.jpg Riedbrunnen Riedplatz
ARN-Zimmerstr-Brunnen.jpg Fountain in Zimmerstrasse Zimmerstrasse
ARN-Holzmarktbrunnen.jpg Holzmarktbrunnen Holzmarkt
ARN-Hopfenbrunnen-1.jpg Hop well Erfurter Strasse
1573 Hop fountain with a knight at the former hop market
ARN-Riedquelle-1.jpg Ritterstein or Ried spring (Offenborn) Plauesche Strasse 3
Fountain Pheasant Garden Arnstadt.JPG Fountain in the pheasant garden Pheasant Garden
1594 originally in the garden of the Prinzenhof (An der Liebfrauenkirche 2)
Fountain in front of the New Church Arnstadt.JPG Neumarktbrunnen at the Bach Church At the New Church
Arnstadt, Ritterstraße 14-007.jpg Neptune Fountain (Neptune Grotto) Ritterstrasse
ARN-Neideckgymnasium-0.jpg Palace Square Fountain Schlossplatz
Well in front of the Neudeck-Gymnasium
60x15transparent spacer.svg Egg fountain in the palace garden Schlossgarten
60x15transparent spacer.svg Fountain in Rosenstrasse Rosenstrasse, Pfortenstrasse
60x15transparent spacer.svg Fountain on Lindeneck Lindenallee, Kurhausstraße
60x15transparent spacer.svg Well in the Marienstift Turnvater-Jahn-Str.
60x15transparent spacer.svg Fountain at the former youth hostel Ichtershäuser Straße, Bierweg
Former fountain
Bismarck fountain Arnstadt (2) .JPG
Former Bismarck fountain by Georg Wrba market 1909-1943 Reconstruction planned
60x15transparent spacer.svg Former Market fountain (also cabbage fountain) Markt, corner of Kohlgasse
1561 Demolished in 1899
60x15transparent spacer.svg Former Fountain in front of the market gallery Market, in front of the gallery (Tuchmachergaden)
demolished around 1900
60x15transparent spacer.svg Former Orphanage fountain at the upper end of Kohlgasse
demolished around 1900
60x15transparent spacer.svg Former Upper Holzmarktbrunnen Holzmarkt, Erfurter Straße
demolished around 1900
Bundesarchiv Bild 183-1988-0829-012, Arnstadt, Wohnbauten.jpg
Former Holzmarkt drinking fountain Holzmarkt at the corner of Rankestrasse
60x15transparent spacer.svg Former Well under the mountain Marktstrasse
demolished around 1900
60x15transparent spacer.svg Former Fish fountain Moat
60x15transparent spacer.svg Former Rose fountain Schlossgarten
at the gardener's house
60x15transparent spacer.svg Former Fountain (kidney fountain) Schlossgarten
at the theater, removed in 1996
60x15transparent spacer.svg Former Well in the district office Ritterstrasse, in the courtyard of the outer bailey
60x15transparent spacer.svg Former Fountain in the residential area 1979 in the east residential area, removed after 1990

Web links

Commons : Brunnen in Arnstadt  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Arnstadt - City of Fountains  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (accessed on June 26, 2017)@1@ 2Template: Dead Link /  
  2. Arnstädter Brunnen (accessed June 26, 2017)