List of legal norms of the Federal Republic of Germany / Agreement

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List of legal norms of the Federal Republic of Germany - Agreement

AAustVorhAbk USA Agreement between the government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the government of the United States of America on the implementation of exchange projects for the purpose of education and training
Abbreviation ISR Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the State of Israel
ABZusForstAbk POL Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Poland on the merger of the motorway and on the construction and reconstruction of a border bridge in the forest and alder wood area (Olszyna)
ArblVAbk CHE Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Swiss Confederation on unemployment insurance
AtHaftAbk CHE Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Swiss Confederation on liability towards third parties in the field of nuclear energy
AuslSchuldBKCHE Agreement on German Foreign Debt
BehZAbk Customs agreement on containers
BetrAVAbk LUX Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg on cooperation in the area of ​​insolvency insurance for company pension schemes
BinSchAbk CSK Agreement between the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Government of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic on inland waterway transport
BinSchAbk GEOR Agreement between the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Government of the Republic of Georgia on Inland Navigation
BinSchAbk HUN Agreement between the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Government of the Hungarian People's Republic on Inland Navigation
DBA ARE Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the United Arab Emirates on the avoidance of double taxation and tax reduction in the area of ​​taxes on income
DBA AUT 2002 Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Austria to avoid double taxation in the field of taxes on income and assets
DBA CH 1980 Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Swiss Confederation to avoid double taxation in the area of ​​estate and inheritance taxes
DBA EST Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Estonia on the avoidance of double taxation in the field of taxes on income and property
DBA FRA Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the French Republic on the avoidance of double taxation and on mutual administrative and legal assistance in the field of taxes on income and assets as well as trade taxes and property taxes
DBA ISR 1980 Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the State of Israel to avoid double taxation in the area of ​​estate and inheritance taxes
DBA KAZ Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Kazakhstan to avoid double taxation in the field of taxes on income and property
DBA LET Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Latvia on the avoidance of double taxation in the field of taxes on income and property
DBA MAN Agreement between the government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the government of the Isle of Man to avoid double taxation of shipping companies active in international traffic
DBA MUS Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Mauritius on the avoidance of double taxation and tax reduction in the area of ​​taxes on income
DBA SAU Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on the avoidance of double taxation in the field of taxes on the income and assets of airlines and taxes on the remuneration of their employees
DBA Taipei Agreement between the German Institute in Taipei and the Taipei Representation in the Federal Republic of Germany to avoid double taxation and to prevent tax reductions with regard to taxes on income and assets
DBA USA 1980 Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the United States of America for the avoidance of double taxation in the area of ​​estate, inheritance and gift taxes
DBA USA 2008 Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the United States of America for the avoidance of double taxation and for the prevention of tax evasion in the field of taxes on income and assets and some other taxes
DBA VEN Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Venezuela on the avoidance of double taxation in the area of ​​taxes on income and property
DBA VerArabEm Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the United Arab Emirates to avoid double taxation in the area of ​​taxes on income and assets and to stimulate economic relations
DBAAbk BGR Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Bulgaria on the avoidance of double taxation and tax reduction in the field of taxes on income and property
DBAAbk GBR Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland for the avoidance of double taxation and for the prevention of tax evasion in the area of ​​taxes on income and capital
DBAAbk MYS Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and Malaysia for the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of tax reductions in the area of ​​taxes on income
DBAAbk SYR Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Syrian Arab Republic on the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of tax reductions in the area of ​​taxes on income
DBAbk TUR Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Turkey to avoid double taxation and tax reduction in the field of income taxes
DBAZAbk BEL Additional agreement to the agreement of April 11, 1967 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Kingdom of Belgium to avoid double taxation and to regulate various other questions in the field of taxes on income and property, including trade tax and property taxes, as well as the associated final protocol
DBBankAbk GBR Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to avoid the double burden of the bank levy
DE / NLKorpsAbk Agreement between the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands on the framework conditions for the I. (German-Dutch) Corps and units, facilities and offices assigned to the Corps
DollBBerAbk 2 Second agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the United States of America on certain matters arising from the settlement of German dollar bonds
DtFrJWAbkÄndAbk Agreement to amend the Agreement of July 5, 1963 between the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Government of the French Republic on the establishment of the Franco-German Youth Office
EGKSVtrÜAbk Agreement on the transitional provisions of the Treaty establishing the European Coal and Steel Community
EIBVersorgAbk Agreement between the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the European Investment Bank on the transfer of pension entitlements
EmsSchO Shipping regulations on the Ems estuary (Appendix A to the German-Dutch agreement of December 22, 1986 on the navigation rules in the Ems estuary)
EmsSchOAbk Agreement between the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands on the navigation regulations in the mouth of the Ems
EmsSchOAbkErgAbk Agreement to amend and supplement the agreement of December 22, 1986 between the government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands on the shipping regulations in the mouth of the Ems
EÖlAnrAbk BEL Agreement between the Federal Minister of Economics and Finance of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Vice-Premier Ministre des Affaires Economiques du Royaume de Belgique on the mutual offsetting of stocks of petroleum and petroleum products
EÖlBAbk NLD Agreement between the Federal Minister of Economics of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Minister van Economische Zaken of the Netherlands on the mutual offsetting of stocks of petroleum and petroleum products
EuFernsAbk European agreement for the protection of television broadcasts
EuFürsAbk European Welfare Agreement
EZBAbk Agreement between the government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the European Central Bank on the seat of the European Central Bank
ECBPersAbk Agreement between the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the European Central Bank on the implementation of Section 16 of Annex III of the Conditions of Employment for the European Central Bank's staff
FishDNKVtr Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Kingdom of Denmark on joint fishing in the Flensburg Inner Fjord
FlüAbk Agreement on the Status of Refugees
FlüRAuswAbk Agreement on the issuance of travel documents to refugees, which is the responsibility of the Intergovernmental Committee on Refugees
FordRglAbk CHE Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Swiss Confederation on the regulation of the claims of the Swiss Confederation against the former German Reich
GemAusfOAbkHaag Common Implementation Regulations for the 1999, 1960 and 1934 versions of the Hague Conventions
GesundZAAbk FRA Framework agreement between the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Government of the French Republic on cross-border cooperation in the health sector
GewRSchPrioFrAbk SWE Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Kingdom of Sweden on the extension of priority periods in the field of industrial property protection
GrAbfErlPolAbk Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Poland on the facilitation of border clearance
GrBrückAbk LUX Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg on the construction and maintenance of a border bridge over the Sûre between the municipalities of Langsur and Mertert
GrBrückPerlAbk LUX Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg on the merger of the Autobahn and the construction of a border bridge over the Moselle in the Perl and Schengen area
GrenzgAbk NLD Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Kingdom of the Netherlands on the avoidance of double taxation in the area of ​​taxes on income and assets as well as various other taxes and on the regulation of other questions in the tax area
GrVerkAbk CHE German-Swiss agreement on border and transit traffic (in the version of the correspondence dated November 7/23, 1959)
GTNSeatAbk Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Global Trust Fund for Crop Diversity on the headquarters of the Global Trust Fund for Crop Diversity
HochschuleAbk FRA Agreement between the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Government of the French Republic on the establishment of a Franco-German university
IBRDAbk Agreement on the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
IDA Agreement on the International Development Organization
IFCAbk International Finance Corporation Agreement
IMFAbk Agreement on the International Monetary Fund
INTERSPUTNIKAbk Agreement on the Creation of the International System and Organization for Cosmic Telecommunications "INTERSPUTNIK"
IntZLuftAbk Convention on International Civil Aviation
IRENA seat abb Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the International Organization for Renewable Energies on the headquarters of the IRENA Innovation and Technology Center
KatHiLAbk BEL Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Kingdom of Belgium on mutual assistance in the event of disasters or serious accidents
KatHiLAbk CHE Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Swiss Confederation on mutual assistance in the event of catastrophes or serious accidents
KatHiLAbk DNK Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Kingdom of Denmark on mutual aid in the event of disasters or serious accidents
KatHiLAbk FRA Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the French Republic on mutual assistance in the event of disasters or serious accidents
KatHiLAbk LIT Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Lithuania on mutual assistance in the event of disasters or serious accidents
KatHiLAbk LUX Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg on mutual assistance in the event of disasters or serious accidents
KatHiLAbk POL Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Poland on mutual assistance in the event of disasters or serious accidents
KatHiLAbk RussFö Agreement between the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Government of the Russian Federation on mutual assistance in the event of disasters or serious accidents
KfzAbk GBR Agreement between the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on the tax treatment of road vehicles in international traffic
KfzStBefrAbk GDR Agreement between the government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the government of the German Democratic Republic on the exemption of road vehicles from taxes and fees
KGAbkÄndAbk NLD Agreement amending the Agreement of April 8, 1960 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Kingdom of the Netherlands on Dutch war graves in the Federal Republic of Germany (War Graves Agreement)
KgfAbk Geneva III. Geneva Convention of August 12, 1949 on the Treatment of Prisoners of War
KrimBekAbk USA Agreement between the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Government of the United States of America on the deepening of cooperation in preventing and combating serious crime
KrProblAbk HND Agreement between the government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the government of the Republic of Honduras on the settlement of certain problems caused by the Second World War
KunstSchAbk International Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Companies
LStrkrAbk Geneva I. Geneva Convention of August 12, 1949 to improve the lot of the wounded and sick in the armed forces
LSVAAbk Büs Agreement between the government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Swiss Federal Council on the treaty of November 23, 1964 on the inclusion of the municipality of Büsingen am Hochrhein in the Swiss customs area, on the collection and allocation of a share of the amounts from Switzerland in its national territory and in the territory of the municipality Büsingen am Hochrhein levied performance-related heavy vehicle tax
LuftFzgAbk Agreement on the International Recognition of Rights in Aircraft
LuftRAbkZAbk Supplementary agreement to the Warsaw Convention for the standardization of rules for international air transport carried out by an air carrier other than the contracted carrier
LuftStrAbk Convention on criminal offenses and certain other acts committed on board aircraft
LuftVGewRAbk Multi-sided agreement on commercial rights in unscheduled air traffic in Europe
ManövAbk CANIGBR Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany, Canada and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on the execution of maneuvers and other exercises in the Soltau-Lüneburg area
ManövAbkCANIGBRÜbk Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany, Canada and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland repealing the Agreement of August 3, 1959 on the execution of maneuvers and other exercises in the Soltau-Lüneburg area, as amended by the Agreement of May 12, 1970
NATOHQAbk Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Supreme Headquarters of the Allied Powers, Europe, on the special conditions for the establishment and operation of international military headquarters in the Federal Republic of Germany
NATOTrStat Agreement between the parties to the North Atlantic Treaty on the status of their troops
NATOTRPATZAbk Supplementary agreement to the agreement between the parties to the North Atlantic Treaty on the legal status of their troops with regard to foreign troops stationed in the Federal Republic of Germany
NATOTRATZAbkÄndAbk Agreement to amend the Supplementary Agreement of August 3, 1959 as amended by the Agreement of October 21, 1971 and the Agreement of May 18, 1981 to the Agreement between the parties to the North Atlantic Treaty on the Status of their Troops with regard to those stationed in the Federal Republic of Germany foreign troops
NATOTRPATZAbkÄndAbkD Agreement for the implementation of Article 45 paragraph 1 of the Supplementary Agreement of August 3, 1959 as amended by the Agreement of October 21, 1971, the Agreement of May 18, 1981 and the Agreement of March 18, 1993 to the Agreement between the parties of North Atlantic Treaty on the legal status of their troops with regard to the foreign troops stationed in the Federal Republic of Germany
NATOTRPATZAbkART45Abs5Abk Agreement on Article 45, Paragraph 5 of the Supplementary Agreement to the Agreement between the Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty on the Status of Their Troops with regard to the foreign troops stationed in the Federal Republic of Germany
NATOTrStatZusAbk NL Supplementary agreement to the agreement of June 19, 1951 between the parties to the North Atlantic Treaty on the status of their troops with regard to German troops stationed in the Kingdom of the Netherlands
OffshStAbk Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the United States of America on the tax credits to be granted by the Federal Republic for expenditures made by the United States in the interests of common defense
OKZusAAbk VNM Agreement between the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam on cooperation in the fight against serious criminal offenses and organized crime
PrfZAbk AUT Agreement between the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Government of the Republic of Austria on cooperation in vocational training and on the mutual recognition of the equivalence of vocational examination certificates
PflSchAbk International Plant Protection Agreement
PostAnwAbk 1984 Postal order and postal travel check agreements
Postal order 1984 Mail order agreement
PostgiroAbk Postgiro ​​Agreement
PostnachnAbk 1984 Cash on delivery agreement
PostPakAbk 1984 Postal package agreement
PostSparAbk 1984 Postal Savings Bank Agreement
PostZtgAbk 1984 Postal Newspaper Agreement
RV / UVAbk POL Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the People's Republic of Poland on pension and accident insurance
RVStreitkrAbk USA Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the United States of America on the pension insurance of certain employees of the land forces of the United States of America
SAA MNE Stabilization and Association Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Republic of Montenegro, of the other part
SchutzRAbk PRT Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Portuguese Republic in the field of industrial property protection
SchutzRAbk SWE Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Kingdom of Sweden on the restoration of industrial property rights
SeegerSitzAbk Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea on the seat of the Court of Justice
SeehundWattmSchAbk Agreement for the Protection of Seals in the Wadden Sea
SeeStreitKrAbk Geneva II. Geneva Convention of August 12, 1949 for the Improvement of the Lot of the Wounded, Sick and Shipwrecked in the Armed Forces at Sea
SozSichAbk ALB Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Albania on social security
SozSichAbk AUT 1995 Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Austria on social security
SozSichAbk BEL General agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Kingdom of Belgium on social security
SozSichAbk BGR Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Bulgaria on social security
SozSichAbk BRA Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Federal Republic of Brazil on Social Security
SozSichAbk ESP 2 Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Spanish State on Social Security
SozSichAbk FIN 1997 Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Finland on social security
SozSichAbk GBR Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on Social Security
SozSichAbk GRC Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Kingdom of Greece on social security
SozSichAbk HRV Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Croatia on social security
SozSichAbk HUN Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Hungary on social security
SozSichAbk ISR Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the State of Israel on social security
SozSichAbk JPN Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and Japan on social security
SozSichAbk MAR Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Kingdom of Morocco on social security
SozSichAbk MKD Agreement between the government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Macedonian government on social security
SozSichAbk POL Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Poland on social security
SozSichAbk PRT Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Portuguese Republic on social security
SozSichAbk ROM Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and Romania on social security
SozSichAbk SVN Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Slovenia on social security
SozSichAbk SWE Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Kingdom of Sweden on social security
DO Social Security Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Tunisia on social security
SozSichAbk TUR Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Turkey on social security
SozSichAbk1985 CAN Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and Canada on social security
SozSichAbk2ErgAbk ESP Agreement to supplement the agreement of December 4, 1973 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Spanish state on social security
SozSichAbkÄndAbk2ZAbk TUR Supplementary Agreement to the Agreement of April 30, 1964 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Turkey on Social Security in the version of the Amending Agreement of May 28, 1969 and the Interim Agreement of October 25, 1974
Social Security Insurance Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and Australia on the social security of persons temporarily employed in the territory of the other state ("supplementary agreement")
SozSichAbkISRÄndAbk ISR Agreement amending the Agreement of December 17, 1973 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the State of Israel on social security
SozSichAbkZAbk AUT Supplementary Agreement to the Agreement of December 22, 1966 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Austria on Social Security
SozSichAbkZAbk CHE 2 Second supplementary agreement to the agreement of February 25, 1964 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Swiss Confederation on social security
SozSichAbkZusAbk ISR Supplementary Agreement to the Agreement of December 17, 1973 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the State of Israel on Social Security
StBefrAbk HRV Agreement between the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Government of the Republic of Croatia on the mutual exemption from taxes and road charges for road vehicles in international traffic
StBefrAbk LET Agreement between the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Government of the Republic of Latvia on the mutual tax exemption of road vehicles in international traffic
Dispute Abk BEL Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Kingdom of Belgium on the settlement of disputes in direct procurement
StreitAbk CAN Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and Canada on the settlement of disputes in direct procurement
StreitAbk FRA Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the French Republic on the settlement of disputes in direct procurement
DisputeAbk GBR Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on the settlement of disputes relating to direct procurement
StreitAbk USA Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the United States of America on the settlement of disputes in direct procurement
StrZusGubenAbk POL Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Poland on the merger of the German federal highway 97 and the Polish state highway 274 and the construction of a border bridge in the Guben and Gubinek area
SVAbk IN Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of India on social security
SVAbk ITA Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Italian Republic on social security
SVAbk POL Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the People's Republic of Poland on the social security of workers who are temporarily posted to the territory of the other country
SVkAbk CHE Agreement between the government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Swiss Federal Council on the abolition of the visa requirement for refugees
SVVerzAbk IRL Agreement between the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Government of Ireland waiving the reimbursement of expenses for benefits in kind for sickness, maternity, accidents at work and occupational disease, unemployment benefits and the costs of administrative and medical checks
UNFrewProgrAbk Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the United Nations on the seat of the United Nations Volunteer Program
UNHCR Office Abb Agreement between the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Office of the High Commissioner for Refugees of the United Nations on the Office of the High Commissioner for Refugees of the United Nations in Germany
UNSECR SEAT ABK Agreement between the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany, the United Nations and the Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change on the seat of the Secretariat of the Convention
UNSOrgVorRAbk Agreement on the Privileges and Immunities of Specialized Agencies of the United Nations
UNWFPOfficeAbk Agreement between the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the World Food Program of the United Nations through the Office of the World Food Program of the United Nations in the Federal Republic of Germany
UrkBefrAbk BEL Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Kingdom of Belgium on the exemption of public documents from legalization
UrkBefrAbk FRA Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the French Republic on the exemption of public documents from legalization
UrlRAbk USA Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the United States of America on the legal status of vacationers
VermAbk CHE Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Swiss Confederation on German assets in Switzerland
VermAbk PRT Agreement on German assets in Portugal
VermAbk SWE Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Kingdom of Sweden on German assets in Sweden
VermRglAbk COL Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Colombia on German assets in Colombia
VermRglAbk EGY Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Arab Republic of Egypt on the settlement of certain questions relating to German property
VermRglAbk IRN Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Empire of Iran on the liquidation of the former German-Iranian clearing transactions
VermRglAbk ITA Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Italian Republic on the regulation of property, economic and financial affairs related to the Second World War
VermRglAbk PRT Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Portuguese Republic on the liquidation of the former German-Portuguese clearing transactions
VgHilAbk USA Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the United States of America on mutual defense assistance
VollstrAbk BEL Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Kingdom of Belgium on the mutual recognition and enforcement of judicial decisions, arbitral awards and public documents in civil and commercial matters
VollstrAbk GBR Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on the mutual recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters
WanderAbk AUS Agreement between the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Government of the Australian Confederation on Assisted Migration
WHORegional Office Abk Agreement between the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the World Health Organization, Regional Office for Europe, on the headquarters of the European Center for Environment and Health - Bonn Office, WHO Regional Office for Europe
BismutAGAbk Agreement between the government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the termination of the activities of the Soviet-German stock corporation Wismut
ZPersAbk Geneva IV. Geneva Convention of August 12, 1949 for the Protection of Civilians in Time of War