Live shopping

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Live shopping is a US trend in e-commerce and an alternative to traditional online shopping. A single product is offered particularly cheaply for a short time.


The American company woot ! was the first to draw attention to itself with the idea of ​​only offering a single product for 24 hours at a very low purchase price.


Only one product is offered. This enables large purchase quantities for the provider, who can pass the lower price on to the customer. Due to the time limit of the offer, the customer has to decide quickly and many spontaneous purchases are the result.

The prices of the products are usually well below the manufacturer's recommended retail prices. Often these offers have the cheapest price on the Internet for the day in question.


The first shops are starting to change the original live shopping. You offer your product for a period other than 24 hours or rotate the range. What all the live shopping offers have in common is that only one product can be bought at any given time.