Local branding

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Local branding is a marketing discipline that stands for operational and strategic local brand management and market cultivation . It is mainly used in (brand) companies that sell products and services in vertical sales, i.e. H. market via local sales partners.

Local branding actively involves the local sales partners in the central advertising and brand communication and at the same time optimizes the local partner's marketing by offering individually tailored advertising measures and campaigns, usually via an online advertising portal. At the same time that remains corporate design of the brand maintained. The sales partner acts - ideally - as a local brand ambassador: He gives the brand a face and charges it emotionally.


Local branding is a trend that is growing in importance. In retail in particular, the realization is gaining ground that decentralized customer acquisition strategies are replacing cumbersome retail marketing "from above". In future, the local sales agent will slide into the center of advertising and sales activities.

The demand for local branding is increasing: In view of the growing complexity of products and offers, customers are tired of excess and insecurity. The customer is looking for more closeness, more regionality, more personality. The local sales partner can create an overview here and inspire confidence.

Local branding is therefore of interest to all internationally and nationally operating companies with decentralized sales structures such as branded goods and manufacturers, insurance companies, associations and franchise companies and is particularly recommended for companies with complex products or products that require extensive advice.


Local branding requires a fundamental rethink and strong involvement of local sales. The conception is individually tailored to the sales structure, the respective market conditions and dealer development goals and is geared to the different categories and typologies of the company's sales partners. The development of a technological solution is therefore preceded by intensive strategic advice to the (brand) company on local brand management. A calculation of the process costs can provide a reliable basis for a decision for or against automation. The operational requirements for the local branding solution include efficient advertising planning and ensuring the corporate design as well as instruments for controlling sales, e.g. B. through the allocation of grants and bonuses. Through extensive services, training and advice, the sales partners are turned into local brand ambassadors.


Local branding has numerous advantages for (brand) companies as well as for sales partners. Since central brand communication and advertising measures for the regional market complement each other, national and local communication is efficiently synchronized to the benefit of both parties. The advertising support provided by the head office increases the loyalty and motivation of the sales partners. They feel valued and live out their appreciation through greater commitment, which in turn generates competitive advantages and sustainable market success for the (brand) companies. Convincing brand ambassadors also like to use their budget for brand communication in which not only the brand but also themselves are shown as the local face of the brand. The national campaign will thus be extended locally and additionally emotionalized by the brand ambassadors on site.

Thanks to joint advertising, medium-sized sales partners in particular benefit from the transfer of brand values: the brand's image and fascination radiate onto the partners. Local branding also increases the profitability of central marketing processes through their automation. Many internal interfaces and coordination with external service providers are completely eliminated. There is more time for individual support as well as advice and further development of the sales partners. Another advantage for companies is the control and management of local marketing activities through extensive evaluation options and the allocation of advertising subsidies. Local branding proves to be an effective instrument for strategic sales management. The result of a local branding solution is budget-efficient, professional local advertising while at the same time preserving the corporate design of the brand and the central brand messages.


  1. Andreas Haderlein: sales design, From Point-of-Sale to Point-of-Interest, trend-based marketing for retailers, shop operators, restaurateurs and B2C service providers, ed. from Zukunftsinstitut GmbH, November 2009, p. 47.
  2. Sales Business, July / August 2011 edition, p. 31.
  3. Blog Local Marketing : " Process Costing in (Local) Marketing. "


  • Andreas Haderlein: sales design, from point-of-sale to point-of-interest, trend-based marketing for retailers, shop operators, restaurateurs and B2C service providers , ed. by Zukunftsinstitut GmbH, November 2009.
  • Thomas Ötinger: "How local branding turns intermediaries into local brand ambassadors", in: Zeitschrift für Versicherungswesen , issue 19, 2011, p. 658ff.
  • Roland Karle: The renaissance of the regional. In: absatzwirtschaft , July 2010, p. 50ff.
  • Roland Karle: Control centrally, advertise locally. In: HORIZONT , No. 17, April 29, 2010, p. 38.
  • Jürgen Ruckdeschel: " Top dog. How local branding transforms opticians into local brands", in: FOCUS magazine for opticians , June 2010, p. 32ff.