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Luzhanqi (陆战 棋)
Luzhanqi made of wood
Luzhanqi made of wood
Game data
Art Board game , tactics, strategy
Teammates 2-4
Duration about 30 minutes

Luzhanqi ( Chinese  陆战 棋 , Pinyin lùzhànqí ) (lit. " Land Battle Chess") or Junqi ( 軍棋  /  军棋 , jūnqí ) is a Chinese board game for two players, although there are also versions for four players. It shares many similarities with Dou Shou Qi , Game of the Generals, and the Western board game Stratego . The object of the game is to capture the opposing flag, with each player having limited knowledge of the opposing line-up.



The Luzhanqi board has a number of different characteristics that affect the movement of the pieces:

  • Soldier station: an ordinary field, characters can enter it at will and it can be attacked and conquered.
  • Railroad: A figure can travel in a straight line any number of rooms as long as no other figure is blocking the path.
  • Rest area: - A figure on the rest area cannot be attacked.
  • Mountains: - Figures cannot move across these two spaces, nor attack.
  • No man's land: - These three spaces are the only spaces where figures can penetrate into enemy territory. Figures, however, cannot stop on them, they can only pass them.
  • Headquarters: - The flag must be placed on one of these two spaces.



Each player has 25 figures, which are identical except for the color of the markings. Here is a list in order of rank. Each player has:

  • a field marshal (司令), rank 9
  • a general (军长), rank 8
  • two lieutenants (师长), rank 7
  • two brigade generals (旅长), rank 6
  • two colonels (团长), rank 5
  • two majors (营长), rank 4
  • three captains (连长), rank 3
  • three column commanders (排长), rank 2
  • three engineers (工兵), rank 1 (see below)
  • two bombs (炸弹) rank 1 (see below)
  • three landmines (地雷)
  • a flag (军旗)

Game flow

Both players begin by setting up the pieces on their side of the field with the ranking symbols facing them so that the opponent cannot see the symbols. The game is played in rounds, each player moves one figure per round. In each movement a piece can be moved to any adjacent space or to more distant spaces using railways. If a piece gets onto a space occupied by an opposing piece, the rank of both pieces is compared (either by the players or by a referee) and the piece with the lower rank is removed from the playing field. If both have the same rank, both are removed.

There are a few exceptions, as some characters have special characteristics and skills:

  • Engineers are the only characters who can move around corners while using railroad tracks. Engineers can also conquer land mines without being removed from the field.
  • Bombs can conquer any other figure, but they are then removed from the playing field themselves. Bombs may not be placed in the front line (sixth row) at the beginning.
  • Landmines conquer every character they are attacked by (with the exception of engineers). Depending on the rules used, land mines are either removed from the game or not after a conquest. Landmines may only be placed in the first and second rows at the beginning and cannot move from their position.
  • The flag must be placed in the first row in one of the two headquarters. It cannot be moved either. If it is conquered, the player who conquered it wins.

See also

Web links