March water

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The term March water one was understood in the 19th century water , the month in March from freshly melted snow or rivers was recovered. According to popular belief , water can be kept for a particularly long time in closed bottles and can hardly spoil. Because of its purity, it was thought to be suitable for washing, which is why it was carefully kept by women. In addition, it was said to have a healing effect. In addition, the March water should promote fertility . It was therefore used with preference for watering crops.

Book proof

Quote from the Economic Encyclopedia from 1773 to 1858:

“March water, water from March snow; the same river water in the month of March, since it is usually mixed with the melted snow. Because this water, because of its purity, can be kept in clogged bottles for a very long time, without deteriorating, something of which has been mentioned in Art. March Snow: it is considered to be excellently good washing water, and for this purpose it is carefully kept by some women. Hierbey may have too much prejudice mixed in with it, but at least it is not so ridiculous as to have an exceptionally fine skin from the Easter water that the superstitious girls silently draw on Easter night before sunrise and keep all year round expected because it is Easter water. "

Quote from popular belief and customs of the Eastern Slaves by Felix Haase , Breslau 1939.

"[...] and used the thawed water, the" March water "against diseases, it was used to sprinkle the berry bushes and fruit trees so that the bees could visit them diligently."

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