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MUSEU-HUB is a recognized aggregator of Europeana and a contact point for European museums and other cultural institutions that host museum collections in the field of digital cultural heritage and aggregation for Europeana.

Over the years, over 5.5 million records from around 350 museums across Europe have been brought into the europeana. MUSEU-HUB is operated by experts from the MICHAEL Culture Association and has a large network of experts in digital cultural heritage. It has set up a network of national contact points that acted as intermediaries between MUSEU-HUB and participating local institutions in previous projects. MUSEU-HUB thus builds a bridge between museums and the Europeana. This applies to both new museums and those who want to update data or add new records. MUSEU-HUB ensures that the museums have the necessary knowledge, framework conditions and motivation to take part in Europeana.

In addition to the publication of data, the national contact points of the MUSEU-HUB also offer:

  • Advice on the overall workflow of the aggregation towards Europeana, including the Europeana Publishing Framework, data modeling, mapping, terminology and questions of multilingualism,
  • Advice on digitization standards,
  • Advice on IPR and reuse,
  • Content analysis,
  • Data allocation and enrichment,
  • Regular collective training as well as individual training as required,
  • Virtual exhibitions and storytelling tools.

Technical requirements for working with MUSEU-HUB:

  • MUSEU uses the LIDO data modeling scheme of the Europeana Data Model [EDM] to preserve the wealth of museum records.
  • The MINT mapping tool used ensures the transition from LIDO to EDM and transforms the records for harvesting the museum data by europeana.

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