Model by Howard and Sheth

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The Howard and Sheth model after John A. Howard and Jagdish Sheth is one approach to explaining buying behavior . The SOR paradigm serves as a theoretical basis. It is a total model and tries to explain consumer behavior completely through psychological and social processes.


Between the input variables (in the SOR model: stimulus), which describe the stimuli affecting the consumer, and the output variables (SOR: response), which describe the results of the processing, there are (hypothetical) perception and learning constructs that define the mechanisms try to explain stimulus processing (SOR: organism).


The perception constructs explain which and how much information the consumer takes in. The perception process depends on various factors:

  • Stimulus ambiguity: The information newly received by the consumer deviates from the information already received.
  • Attention: The consumer is ready to want to absorb information. Which environmental stimuli result in increased attention is also determined by the attitude z. B. dependent on a certain brand. Motifs can also increase attention, but at the same time the information is also perceived selectively.
  • Search behavior: The consumer is actively looking for information.
  • Distortion of perception : There are e.g. B. Misunderstandings.

The learning constructs explain how information is processed.

  • Brand knowledge : It describes the knowledge of the existence of a certain brand.
  • Security: The security perceived by the consumer depends on brand knowledge.
  • Decision criteria: They serve to evaluate the alternatives taking into account the motives.
  • Attitude: It plays a central role in the decision-making process and influences purchase intent.
  • Purchase intent: It is influenced by both attitudes and the perceived security of the consumer.


  • H. Meffert: Marketing. 10th edition. 2008.
  • I. Balderjahn, J. Scholderer: Consumer behavior and marketing. 2007.
  • John A. Howard, Jagdish Sheth: Theory of Buyer Behavior. John Wiley & Sons, 1969.