Modified bathtub

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The modified bathtub is an extension and revision of the model of the macro-micro-macro scheme by James Samuel Coleman , the so-called Coleman bathtub , created by Christian Stegbauer .


For the success of the investments from a network analytical point of view, Stegbauer (Stegbauer 2009) developed the model of the modified bathtub. The model is a further development of the rational choice theory . It places a meso level (middle level) of action in the group between the individual level ( micro level ) and the social level ( macro level ) . This meso level connects the micro and macro levels. In this way, he modified Coleman's bathtub to include a network-theoretical framework of ideas. In this model, the positioning to be achieved through participation becomes the main motive for personal action. “If positions are already filled, it is difficult for newcomers to get into such a position. This means that even in projects that, according to their ideology, promise free access and maintain a kind of “grassroots democracy”, the seniority principle cannot be circumvented. The longer someone is "with", the more opportunities they have to earn merits. "

Application example Wikipedia

Stegbauer applies the model of the modified bathtub explicitly to cooperation processes in Wikipedia. In the modified bathtub, everything runs through the positional structure (the corresponding arrows are shown in dashed lines in the model). Only the entry into a group (here: Wikipedia) may be independent of it.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Website of the Beuth University of Applied Sciences, Berlin: Glossary / modified bathtub , accessed on December 7, 2013.
  2. a b Stegbauer, Christian (2009) Wikipedia - The riddle of cooperation. Bielefeld: VS Verlag; Page 60