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Mothakes (Greek μόθακες mothakes , singular μόθαξ mothax ) were in ancient Sparta the classic time the sons Spartan fathers and helotischer or periökischer mothers.

They did not belong to the homoioi , the "equals", ie the Spartan full citizens , but took part in the Spartan upbringing ( agoge ) and could in the 5th / 4th Century BC Hold highest military offices. Probably such successful generals as Gylippos or Lysandros Mothakes were. In the disintegrating Spartan cosmos of the 4th century, politically ambitious Mothakes were seen as a threat to the propagated equality of the Spartians.


  • Raimund Schulz: Athens and Sparta , Scientific Book Society, Darmstadt 2003, ISBN 3-534-15493-2 (history compact, antiquity) p. 145 f