Motif bundle

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Motive bundle describes in German criminal law the combination of several motives for an act in the mind of the perpetrator. So the perpetrator has several drives for the act.

Where in criminal law a certain motive (e.g. "greed" in §211 StGB or "confusion, fear or horror" in §33 StGB) is required in order to realize an element of the offense or to trigger a justification or apology, a set of motives is harmful usually not as long as the motive in question is not absolutely dominated by the others and thus suppressed.

For example, the killing of a person is greed-killing even if the greed was only a co-determining drive (besides, for example, anger, anger, hatred or jealousy) for the act.

Individual evidence

  1. Bundle of motifs - Legal Lexicon. In: Retrieved February 26, 2015 .