Subsequent entitlement to benefits

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The subsequent benefit entitlement is a benefit entitlement under statutory health insurance law in Germany. It still exists for a certain period after membership has ended ( Section 19 SGB ​​V ).


The subsequent entitlement to benefits means that those subject to insurance whose membership ends can still claim benefits from the health insurance for one month after the end of membership. If there is a compulsory insurance or a claim to family insurance for other reasons , these have priority over the subsequent benefit claim . The prerequisite for making use of the following entitlement to benefits is still that no gainful activity is carried out, which also includes marginal employment .

If a member dies, the co-insured relatives also have a one-month entitlement to benefits from the health insurance company . Family members (according to § 10 SGB V) generally have a subsequent entitlement to benefits if the member (main insured person) leaves. However, relatives are not entitled to the subsequent benefit entitlement if they come from family insurance, e.g. B. if the prerequisites no longer apply (e.g. in the event of divorce).

According to comments, the following entitlement to benefits applies analogously to long-term care insurance benefits.


The period begins on the day after membership ends. Example: Membership ends on September 28, 2006. If the requirements are met, there is a subsequent entitlement to benefits from September 29, 2006 to October 28, 2006.


The fact that statutory health insurance (compulsory insurance) is granted a subsequent benefit entitlement ensures a continuous benefit entitlement, even if actually, e.g. B. when changing employers, short gaps in the insurance process would arise. The subsequent entitlement to benefits is not an insurance period.

Individual evidence
