Needle stimulation mat

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A needle stimulating mat or a fakir mat is approx. 22 cm × 33 cm in size, depending on the manufacturer. It contains approx. 60 hexagonal needle fields with approx. 19 tips made of plastic. This results in a total of over 1100 needle points on which one lies with one's body weight. Treatment with the needle mat is said to relieve pain. Scientific studies on the effectiveness of the product are still lacking.

The origin of the needle stimulation mat is unknown. According to the manufacturer, it should come from the Asian folk medicine Ayurveda in India and traditional Chinese medicine . In both cultures needles play a major role in medicine, but they are used in completely different ways, and there is no demonstrable relationship to these traditions.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Kay Niemier, Wolfram Seidel: Functional pain therapy on the movement system . Springer, July 1, 2009, ISBN 9783540887980 , pp. 107-8 (accessed February 1, 2011).