Seam repair

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Central seam renovation in hot on hot installation

The seam rehabilitation in the asphalt superstructure is a method of road repair of special road damage .


In road construction , the lanes are usually produced in different operations. The longitudinal seams / middle seams generally represent a weak point, as the strips are "laid together" here.

The risk of crack formation as a result of seasonal tensions is the main cause of surface cracks. If these damaged areas are not repaired, further cracking is inevitable and damage to the underlying asphalt layers can no longer be avoided. The renovation of deeply torn seams requires a disproportionately higher effort than the superficial seam renovation.

Main reasons for seams or cracks in the asphalt
  • The asphalt mix no longer had the required temperature when it was paved
  • The outside temperatures were too low
  • The surface was too cold or too damp

Renovation options

One of the common rehabilitation methods is cutting and potting . A clean edge is cut to the right and left of the torn seam. The cleaned area is then filled with casting compound .

Another method is the so-called seam remix method . The process differs significantly from the one mentioned above, as the renovation here is carried out “hot on hot”. In a working width of 50 or 70 cm, the central seam is gently heated, loosened, picked up and mixed in the mixer with the addition of additional mix. The mixture is then installed hot on hot 30 or 60 cm wide in the recorded areas and, in the hot state, firmly connected to the side areas by smooth-jacket rollers . A renewed breaking of the central seams can thus be excluded.