Nguoi Rung

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As Nguoi Rung (also Batutut or Ujit ) (Forest human or Wild Man) is an existing on local legends mythical creatures ( cryptid ) from North Vietnam called. While the cryptid differs in body size, coat color and social character in the stories , all reports unanimously claim that the Nguoi Rung is an upright ape-man about 2 m tall .

He allegedly visits grottos or crevices to sleep. Legends of native peoples report that the cryptid specifically searches for fireplaces, but is also able to light a fire itself. He should not only be able to run fast, but also climb trees with ease. Nguoi rungs are said to be aggressive towards people, they accrue, even kill and consume them.

During the Vietnam War , alleged sightings of the Nguoi Rung by soldiers took place for the first time, which were also heard in the western world. There are rumors that US soldiers shot Nguoi Rungs.

In this context, the report about the fake "Minnesota Iceman" is worth mentioning. In 1968 the two cryptozoologists Ivan Sanderson and Bernard Heuvelmans became aware of reports that a dead "ape man" embedded in a block of ice was being shown at a US American traveling exhibition. After a cursory examination of the essence, Heuvelmans published a high-profile article describing it as a new species in the genus Homo , Homo pongoides . He assumed it was a Nguoi Rung that was flown out of Vietnam by American soldiers and then kept in hiding. The "Minnesota-Iceman" was later identified as a fake; It was a rubber doll .

Since they are said to have mastered the use of fire , some cryptozoologists speculate that the Nguoi Rungs could be surviving Homo erectus .


  • Harald Gebhardt, Mario Ludwig: Of dragons, yetis and vampires - on the trail of mythical animals . BLV, Munich 2005. ISBN 3-405-16679-9

See also

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