Nielsen-Thurston classification

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In mathematics , the Nielsen-Thurston classification describes the possible types of self-mapping of surfaces .

Building on the work of Jakob Nielsen , it was proven in 1976 by William Thurston by means of the compactification of the Teichmüller area he constructed . Lipman Bers gave a direct proof using Teichmüller's theory .


Be a closed, orientable surface of gender and be

an orientation preserving homeomorphism . Then at least one of the following three alternatives applies .

  1. is periodically : there is a so -isotopic to identity mapping is
  2. is reducible : there is a finite family of disjoint simple closed curves which are permuted to isotopic by
  3. is pseudo-Anosovian , i.e. H. Isotope to a pseudo-Anosov diffeomorphism

Proof idea

Thurston constructed a compactification of the Teichmuller space of the surface through the production space of the measured laminations on , so that the effect of a homeomorphism on this compactification is continuous. Thurston's compactification is homeomorphic to the closed (6g-6) -dimensional full sphere. According to Brouwer's fixed point theorem , the effect of must therefore have a fixed point. There are then the following options:

  1. if the effect of has a fixed point inside, i.e. in the Teichmüller space, then it is periodic and the fixed point corresponds to a hyperbolic metric, with respect to which is isotopic to an isometry
  2. if it is reducible, i.e. a multicurve fixed load up to isotopy, then the effect of has a fixed point in the edge of the compacting of the pond miller area
  3. if the effect of two fixed points at the edge of the compactification of the Teichmüller space is pseudo-Anosovian and the two fixed points correspond to the stable and unstable lamination of the too isotopic pseudo-Anosov diffeomorphism

Geometrization of illustration tori

Thurston used the classification of the homeomorphisms of surfaces to prove the geometrization of 3-dimensional mapping torques. This is as follows:

  1. if is periodic, then the mapping torus has -geometry
  2. if is reducible, then the mapping torus has a nontrivial JSJ decomposition
  3. if is pseudo-Anosov, then the mapping torus has a hyperbolic structure


There are numerous algorithms that enable the determination of the Nielsen-Thurston type of a mapping class in polynomial time (with regard to the word length in the mapping class group ).


  • J. Nielsen: Surface transformation classes of algebraically finite type , Danske Vid. Selsk. Math.-Phys. Medd. 21, 89 (1944)
  • W. Thurston: On the geometry and dynamics of diffeomorphisms of surfaces , Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 19, 417-431 (1988)
  • L. Bers: An extremal problem for quasiconformal mappings and a theorem by Thurston , Acta Math. 141, 73-98 (1978)
  • A. Fathi, F. Lauterbach, V. Poenaru: Travaux de Thurston , Asterisque 66/67 (1979)