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Ninkasi is the Sumerian goddess of beer and alcohol.

As the daughter of Enki and Ninki , Queen of Apsu , she was one of eight children who helped heal Enki's pain after he ate his own seed. It should heal the pain in his mouth. According to the Ninkasi hymn, she was born "from the bubbling water". The Ninkasi hymn describes the brewing process in lyrical language.

Tinney wants to connect Ninkasi with the Inanna - Dumuzi cycle.


  • M. Civil 1964. A Hymn to the Beer Goddess and a Drinking Song. In: Studies presented to A. Leo Oppenheim, June 7, 1964 (from the workshop of the Chicago Assyrian dictionary). Chicago, Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, 67-89.

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Individual evidence

  1. Steve Tinney 2000. Notes on Sumerian Sexual Lyric. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 59/1, 25