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Ntdetect.com status message of starting Windows NT 3.1

ntdetect.com is a component of the Windows NT -based operating system that is used for hardware detection when the system is started.

ntdetect.com is loaded by the NT loader after reading out the boot.ini . It reads out the entire hardware of the system, such as processors, hard drives, input devices, etc. a., and forwards this information to NTLDR. If the system is also not ACPI- compatible, the resource addresses of the devices are also read out and passed on to the system. If hardware profiles are set up, the information of the hardware profiles is also evaluated.

The information collected by ntdetect.com will be written to the Windows registry in the key at a later point in the startup process HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION.

If ntdetect.com fails for an unknown reason and the system cannot be started as a result, Microsoft offers a free debug version that provides detailed information on hardware detection.

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